In this article, I will show you how to convert.pptx file to MP4 video for playback on any media device. To run your PPT on computers that don't have PowerPoint installed, you can save your PPT file as a video file. Click 'Save movie' or 'Save to my computer' If given the option to select a device, choose either 'For a computer' or the specific device you intend to play the video on. If the problem seems to be resolved, you can move the PowerPoint Toolbars (12) file to the trash. If the problem still occurs, quit PowerPoint, and restore the file to its original location. You can also double click on that drive directly to start a full scan. Step 4: choose the target drive on the right pane and click on the Scan button at the bottom right. Once you're finished making edits to the movie, you can save it as an MP4 file. If you locate the file and move it to the desktop, start PowerPoint, and check whether the problem still occurs. Step 3: run the recovery tool and select This PC from the left pane if the target Word document is located on your computers hard drive. Nowadays, it is popular to embed video to PowerPoint presentation, which can make PowerPoint presentation much more entertaining and informative to its viewers. With the following step by step guide, embedding video in PowerPoint is just so easy no matter what kind of videos they are including YouTube video, iMovie videos, iTunes videos and more.

In order not to damage the original files, you can copy and save another one to. RZ PowerPoint Converter provides a total solution of convert any PowerPoint files, with it you can easy to convert PowerPoint files to all popular format videos. Step 1 Just launch the PowerPoint 2010 file with video or audio files that you want to compress. Apart from the above methods to convert PPT to video on Mac, there are still other apps to achieve PowerPoint to video Mac. The feature is only available to the PowerPoint for Windows version, but not on PowerPoint for Mac or PowerPoint for web. If the MP4 and MOV options aren't in your version of PowerPoint, see Requirements below for more information. (Don't use Save As, because it doesn't offer video options.) Open the File Format list and select the video format that you want (MP4 or MOV).